Navy Quiz

Navy Quiz

Indian Navy proudly announces the launch of flagship event THINQ2024 - The Indian Navy Quiz, a unique national level quiz competition.The event provides a unique opportunity of nurturing intellectual growth and inspiring young minds while instilling a sense of pride and patriotism in our rich cultural heritage. The resounding success of the first two editions i.e. THINQ 22 and G20 THINQ (which saw participation of G20 countries last year) has encouraged Indian Navy to continue with the initiative. This year, the theme of THINQ2024 is 'Viksit Bharat' aligned with GoI vision to transform India into a developed nation by 2047 on the 100th year of independence. This competition goes beyond the concept of just testing the general awareness of students. It is a forum to ignite the young minds and spread awareness amongst the students on their role in nation building and reaching greater heights. The event promises thousands of young minds a stimulating intellectual experience. The contest is open to all students from Class 9 to 12 across the country. It will be conducted in hybrid mode and unfold in four stages ensuring a comprehensive evaluation of participants. The first two stages will commence in online mode with three elimination rounds followed by a zonal selection round. Top 16 teams will qualify the Zonal selection rounds and progress to the semifinals. Eight teams from semifinals will qualify for the Grand Finale. The semifinals and Grand Finale will be conducted in offline mode at SNC. 

Exciting prizes await the winners of this prestigious competition. 

To enable and facilitate seamless registration for schools and provide comprehensive event related information, a dedicated website of THINQ2024, below link, was launched on 15 July 2024.

THIN 2024

The Indian Navy Quiz

Sail Beyond Your Horizon

विकसित भारत

Inviting All Children of Class IX-XII to THINQ-2024

Registration Opens - 15 Jul 2024 onwards
Cardinal Dates

Registration Closes
15 Aug 2024

Elimination Round I (online)
10 Sep 2024

Elimination Round II (online)
19 Sep 2024

Elimination Round III (online)
25 Sep 2024

Zonal Selections (online)
14-15 Oct 2024

Semi Finals
07 Nov 2024

Grand Finale
09 Nov 2024

To register, Login to

(c) शाळांची नोंदणी 👇

Also Read 👇 

1. 'आझादी का अमृत महोत्सव' द्वारे स्वातंत्र्याच्या 75 वर्षांच्या राष्ट्रव्यापी उत्सवाचा एक भाग म्हणून आणि भारताने प्रतिष्ठित G-20 चे अध्यक्षपद स्वीकारल्याच्या स्मरणार्थ, भारतीय नौदल 'The Indian Navy Quiz - ThINQ' नावाची क्विझ आयोजित करत आहे. -2023' शाळकरी मुलांसाठी.
2. प्रश्नमंजुषा / क्विझचे ठळक मुद्दे
(a) इयत्ता नववी ते बारावीचे विद्यार्थी पात्र आहेत.
(b) भारतातील सर्व शाळांसाठी लागू (उदा. CBSE/ ICSE/ State राज्य बोर्ड इ.)
(c) शाळांची नोंदणी 👇

वर ऑनलाइन आहे

(d) नोंदणी विनामूल्य आहे.

(e) प्रत्येक शाळेत एक संघ (दोन विद्यार्थी आणि एक शिक्षक).

(f) ऑगस्ट - 23 नोव्हेंबर दरम्यान पाच फेऱ्यांमध्ये (तीन ऑनलाइन आणि दोन ऑफलाइन) प्रश्नमंजुषा घेण्यात येईल.

(g) राष्ट्रीय फेरीचे उपांत्य आणि अंतिम सामने 23 नोव्हेंबर रोजी 'गेटवे ऑफ इंडिया' येथे आयोजित केले जातील. सर्व फायनल स्पर्धकांना नेव्हल डॉकयार्ड, मुंबई येथे जहाजे आणि पाणबुड्यांवरील नौदलाच्या जीवनशैलीची माहिती दिली जाईल.

Navy Quiz

(h) अंतिम फेरीसाठी 16 उपांत्य फेरीतील आणि अंतिम फेरीतील स्पर्धकांसाठी आणि अंतिम फेरीसाठी सहभागी होणाऱ्यांच्या प्रवास, राहण्याचा आणि निवास खर्चाची व्यवस्था भारतीय नौदलाकडून केली जाईल.

(j) सर्व सहभागींना खास डिझाइन केलेले सहभाग ई-प्रमाणपत्र दिले जाईल.

3. जास्तीत जास्त विद्यार्थ्यांना संधी आणि लाभ मिळवून देण्यासाठी, भारतीय नौदल प्रश्नमंजुषा (ThINQ-23) च्या नोंदणी करावी

1.      As a part of the nationwide celebrations of the 75 years of independence through 'Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav' and to commemorate India assuming chairmanship of the prestigious G-20, the Indian Navy is conducting a quiz titled 'The Indian Navy Quiz - ThINQ-2023' for school children.

2.       The highlights of the quiz are:-

(a)     Students of class IX to XII are eligible.

(b)     Applicable for all schools in India (i.e CBSE/ ICSE/ State Board etc.)

(c)     Registration by schools is online at 👇

(d)     Registration is Free of Cost.

(e)     One team (two students and a teacher) per school.

(f)      Quiz will be conducted in five rounds (Three online and two offline) during Aug - Nov 23.

(g)     The semi-finals and finals of the national round will be held at 'Gateway of India' in Nov 23. All the finalists will be given exposure to the naval way of life onboard ships and submarines at Naval Dockyard, Mumbai.

Navy Quiz

(h)     Travel, boarding and lodging expenses for the 16 semi-finalists and finalists teams for the finals and participants for the finals would be arranged by the Indian Navy.

(j)      All participants would be presented with a specially designed participation e-certificate.

3.      In order to provide opportunity and benefit to maximum students, an online introductory session on the registration procedure of the Indian Navy Quiz (ThINQ-23) 

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